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Upcoming events: London Cabaret performance and Exhibition at the British Library

Why not come along on Sunday November 17 at 6pm to the Chelsea Arts Club

for a Cabaret show? I will be singing songs from the 1940s and 50s by

Eric Sanders, who came to Britain on the Kindertransport and wrote polular songs

about life in London. I will perform with pianist Christopher Gould and clarinettist William Slingsby Duncombe, alongside soprano Melinda Hughes, who will contribute some Berlin/Weimar Cabaret songs. This is a private members club so please send me a message if you would like to attend, I will confirm your place on the guest list by email. Tickets are £14 per person on the door.

Image: Chelsea Arts Club, CC BY-SA 3.0

You are also warmly invited to join me for the British Library’s upcoming conference on European Refugees in Britain since 1800 on Friday November 15, which is free to attend. The conference will feature the RCM’s Music, Migration and Mobility exhibition as well as a paper from me at approximate 11.30am. You can book your place and find further information here.

Photo: Norbert Meyn, The Music, Migration and Mobility (mobile) exhibition

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